Become a member of a democratic political home where values and action matter. We want to be somewhere you feel wanted and respected–a place where you can help build a Good Society.
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Interested, but not 100% sure it's for you? Here's why some of our current members joined.

  • Why politics matters

    Arrun Degenhardt, Sheffield University

    Wednesday, 04 September 2013

    For me politics has always had a fairly central role in my life.  Growing up in a household with political parents is obviously a major factor in the developing of a political compass, but I was also exposed to effects of politics in the real world from a young age.  Whether it was attending...

  • Suki's story

    Suki Ferguson, Northamptonshire

    Tuesday, 25 June 2013

    I grew up in a rural part of Northamptonshire, in a farming community with naturally Tory leanings. My parents gave me a sense of the political spectrum - my father being a free market Conservative farmer-turned-accountant, my mother a Lib Dem-inclined social worker (funnily enough, the marriage...

  • Putting transport on the activist agenda

    Simon Norton, Cambridge and London

    Friday, 21 June 2013

    When I was 14 I accidentally came across some London Transport publicity. This led to me developing passions for public transport and for the countryside (at that time London Transport ran buses in the Home Counties, which were less urbanised than they are now).

     I remember voting in the 1973...

  • What matters to me

    Grant Ford, Edinburgh

    Tuesday, 18 June 2013

    I grew up in a high rise flat on a “scheme” on the edge of Edinburgh in the 70s. My Dad was a bricklayer and my Mum is still working as a Home Help. 

    My parents split up and our safety net was our extended family and Social Security...things were tough and we went through that working...

  • See more Members stories

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Your financial support allows us to remain accountable only to our members. You help us build the ideas, alliances and campaigns that fight for a Good Society. But that is only the beginning. We encourage all of our members to live a political life and we provide the platform for all of our members to develop their own political consciousness. Our active and empowered membership is our greatest achievement.